Call for Submissions [Saraba #16] The Solitude Issue

Just before 2013 ended, Saraba Magazine released a prequel to the History Issue. It contains a short story by award-winning writer Toni Kan, and an essay by the co-publisher Emmanuel Iduma. Check it out & download. The History Issue will be published later this month. 

In the meantime, Saraba Magazine is accepting short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and excerpts which address the idea of solitude.
For Saraba 16, the theme of Solitude is fitting for the creative minds, who escape within themselves to replicate a piece of the world. We are curious to know the reason for, and what it is like in those moments when they escape.


Send your work in an attachment in any of the three major categories: Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction.
Send no more than one work at a time, and wait for our response before you send another.
Fictional works should have a maximum 5,000 words. Writers are allowed to send a maximum of 3 poems. Non-fiction submissions are expect to contain a broad range of new creative writing, including short memoirs, interviews, reviews, creative non-fiction, creative journalism, etc. Word count limit for this is 2,500 words.
Submissions are also open to digital art including photographs, illustrations, paintings and so forth. Kindly send in high resolution jpeg files (not larger than 4 MB).
Submissions should be accompanied by a bio of not more than 50 words
The new Submission Manager is helpful, cutting out all the email uncertainty.

Deadline: Thursday February 20, 2014
Please read our submission guidelines for more details

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